Whether you work from home or the office... we are there for you!

Of course we were wondering if the current situation is the right time to release a new TEKOPOST. But yes! Especially now we would like to stay in close contact with you. Therefore we have decided to publish our TEKOPOST#22 in digital form.

On pages 04 to 07 you can read about our ROXSTAindustrial being used in the new research campus of the Garching canteen. Get to know our EuroShop highlights ROXSTAmicro and ROXSTA G6 on pages 12 to 14 and find out about all other products presented.

  • TEKO & Centauro – Partners for over 25 years
  • Introduction WHITELINE CO2 wedge cooler
  • Review of trade fairs & events 2019/2020
  • New partnership with Colcab in South Africa
  • New colleagues at TEKO
  • Social engagement for young talents & associations


We hope you will get a little distraction in your everyday life and wish you fun while reading.

Stay healthy!