17. July 2019
Interesting topics around TEKO and the refrigeration industry
Summer is here and has already given us some hot days. Let’s cool down and talk about current topics in refrigeration technology. We are pleased to present you our TEKOPOST#21!
On pages 8 to 11 you can read our report about the use of our ROXSTAsmart in the “Dallmayr Delikatessenhaus” in Munich. On pages 18 and 19 you can find out how we are committed to training and promoting young talents at the “Norddeutsche Kältefachschule” in Springe, together with our partner Wurm Systeme.
Further topics:
- News from TEKO and a look at the past 25 years in Altenstadt
- Introduction of our new TEKO colleagues
- TEKO’s industry solutions with propane as a refrigerant.
- Presentation of our new homepage
- Fairs and events in 2019 & 2020
We hope you enjoy reading the current issue!